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Lime dosing and slaking system

This is a system that stores and slakes quicklime powder and output lime slurry at designed concentration for water treatment purposes.


Product Description:

This is a system that store and slake quicklime powder and output lime slurry at designed concentration for water treatment purposes.

the system typically includes a lime silo with pneumatic transfer system, weighing screw feeder, agitated lime slaking tank, slurry storage tank, slurry transfer pumps and PLC control system.

Typical features:

1. Capacity: lime storage silo 10m3 to 350m3, lime slurry concentration: 5% to 10%
2. Specially designed silo arch-breaker to guarantee smooth feeding rate
3. Fully automatic inverter control batching system, high accuracy of lime milk concentration
4. Improved lime slaker unit for better slaking performance by adjusting slaking temperature via lime/water ratio.
5. High accuracy liquid level gauges.
6. Special valves for slurry transfer to avoid blockage or leakage.

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